I'm a software engineer with a background in physics and competitive programming. Most recently, I co-founded and worked on the Wolfram Physics Project and SetReplace. Before that, I did an internship at Lyft Level 5, where I built an online calibration diagnostics service for autonomous vehicles using computer vision and LiDAR-edge classification. I also have physics research experience at Northeastern U and Moscow State U, and I've participated in programming competitions since middle school.

📞 Contact Information

✉️ [email protected]

🛠 https://github.com/maxitg

🔗 https://www.linkedin.com/in/maxitg/

💡 Featured Projects (GitHub)

SetReplace (GitHub, talk)

2018 — Present

C++/Wolfram Language package for evaluating and analyzing hypergraph rewriting systems, which made Wolfram Physics Project possible.

Graph after rewriting {{x, y}, {y, z}} → {{w, y}, {w, x}, {y, x}, {z, w}} 510 times starting from {{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, {4, 1}}.

Graph after rewriting {{x, y}, {y, z}} → {{w, y}, {w, x}, {y, x}, {z, w}} 510 times starting from {{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, {4, 1}}.

TilingSolver (GitHub)


C++ tool to enumerate minimal tiling patterns that can tile an infinite grid.

A minimal-period grid tiling where only 14 choices of colorings are allowed for a 5-tile mask at each position.

A minimal-period grid tiling where only 14 choices of colorings are allowed for a 5-tile mask at each position.

CombinatorEvolve (GitHub, Stephen Wolfram's blog post)


C++/Wolfram Language package for evaluation of combinator systems, which are rewriting systems based on nested functions, e.g., s(x)(y)(z) → x(z)(y(z)).

An example evaluation of an SK combinator.

An example evaluation of an SK combinator.

👨🏻‍💻 Work Experience


Researcher, Wolfram, Physics Project